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Learning Math/CS/Engineering Design with Robotics
Grid Size: S M L Simple View: MinView:
Background Image
Coord: x-axis y-axis Grid Lines: x-axis y-axis
Grid: 12x12 inches 24x24 inches 36x36 inches
72x72 inches 96x96 inches 192x192 inches
1x1 inches 2x2 inches Fraction:
Quad: 1 Quadrant 4 Quadrants 1&4 Quadrants
Units: US Customary Metric Ruler:
Font px
Tics Lines:
Width px
Hash Lines:
Width px
Animate an Hourglass
The pre-placed blocks will draw the outline of the hourglass with two triangles. They also will show the sand inside with a black triangle on the top half, and a black trapezoid on the bottom. Your task is to animate the hourglass so it begins with all the sand on the top and ends with all the sand sitting on the bottom.
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